health treatments


Question by  mishlamanda (43)

Do you let a rug burn get a scab or should I keep it moist?


Answer by  lisasimpson (148)

It will most likely scab over on it's own; when it does, rug burn generally makes lots of tiny little scabs, not one solid one.


Answer by  km8738 (1917)

Almost every wound benefits from scabbing over. The scab will help to prevent bacteria and dirt from entering the wound and allow you to disregard its presence in a much quicker fashion. If you are worried about getting a scar, try to resist picking at the scab as that will cause scarring.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

Let the burn get a scab on it. This is not a normal hot burn from a fire. They cann it a burn but it is actually a removal of one of the layers of skin that has become irritated by the rug. Don't cover it and let it dry.


Answer by  worker5534 (518)

You should keep the scab in moist with oil. Because the oil help the rug burn easily heeling. Otherwise the scab in dry condition. so you can rug get a scab keep with oil moister.

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