Are nipple rings ok for breastfeeding?
Do UPS drivers intentionally ring the bell as they leave, instead of right when they get there?
How major is the plastic surgery on mens nipples?
Should I be concerned about a child who has a lump behinds his nipple?
What are some possible causes of discoloration of the nipple?
What could cause a 48 year old females nipples to be sore and leaking?
What should I do if I can not remove my nipple rings?
jewelry piercing
Question by hms (41)
Does it symbolize anything?
Answer by brooklyn (374)
Yes many guys get nipple rings. It does not mean anything unless you attach some unfounded meaning to it. Piercings are a way of expressing one's self and a matter of personal preference.
Answer by Molae06 (1467)
Both men and women get nipple rings, and it is actually more common for men than women to. It is less dangerous for them.
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