


Question by  Rosark (82)

Do female cats get morning sickness?


Answer by  Flavia (102)

I don't believe they do. When my cat was pregnant with kittens, we didn't even realize it until her belly started growing, which was easy to notice because she was pretty thin to begin with. Her behavior was normal except for her reluctance to get her belly touched.


Answer by  Anonymous

No-one knows what causes morning sickness; but there is significant weight behind the theory that a woman is turned off food that could harm her fetus; this also explains why women become more sensitive to smells and tastes. Cats probably do, too, yes.


Answer by  Michele13 (1188)

Female cats do not generally get morning sickness.They are more likely to get hungrier because they are natural carnivores--much more than humans are.


Answer by  rogera (788)

Yes cats do get morning sickness, it is best not to force them to eat if they do not wish to. Yon can try and give them some peppermint oil in their food or water to help them. Gingerale also can help them. Try to keep them calm and quiet, this will help a little.


Answer by  CarrieHamston (149)

Female animals do not typically get morning sickness in the normal course of a healthy pregnancy. If a pregnant cat is vommiting take her to the vet to be checked.


Answer by  anyname51 (101)

Pregnant cats can have many of the same symptoms as their human counterparts, such as morning sickness and loss of appetite.


Answer by  cindylee (135)

I have found this to be true on many occasions. It depends on the female cat overall health and her stage of pregnancy.


Answer by  Isidro (624)

Sure if they sleep wrong they can get this and feel dissy and it might be the night before could have eaten something bad and could feel worse. Anything that is in its surroundings could provoke the animal and could distress it mentally as well try to keep the room well aired.

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