

Question by  jennysdog (36)

Do coffee grounds or lemons help take bad garbage odor away?


Answer by  wallaby78 (2293)

Yes, coffee grounds and lemons can both absorb bad odors, while releasing pleasant scents. A bowl of vinegar will also help a lot.


Answer by  tania18 (168)

Yes they do but lemon is much more cleaner than the coffee grounds. Fresh squeased lemon juice with water in a spray bottle should it or just a little lemon oil.


Answer by  celina (18)

Actually i too have heard of this but i am not very sure if it really keeps the garbage odour away. lemons are also used as body spray.


Answer by  heather88 (1897)

I don't think that would help you out with the odor. You can get trash bags that have odor blocking in them. You should also clean the garbage can out with bleach it will disifect it and will take that odor out of it. Then put garbage bags in it that have odor blocking in them.

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