


Question by  sonu (21)

Do cockatiels pee?


Answer by  cb60 (36)

Yes, cockatiels and all birds do urinate. Their urinary and intestinal tracts empty into an organ called the "cloaca". Feces and urine are then elimated together as the brown/white dropping everyone is familiar with; brown being fecal matter and white being the urates. As a side note, a bird's eggs also pass through the cloaca.


Answer by  killermike (176)

All animal life has some form of urinary function. While all animals may not pee the same they do indeed pee. It is specualted that cockatiels especially enjoy peeing on human targets when not in captivity. This seems to be the only form of entertainment that they can find in the wild.


Answer by  wantnot (305)

Yes, in a way. Birds have one orifice for their excrement, called a cloaca, and both their pee and poop comes out at the same time. Bird poop is usually part liquid and part solid.


Answer by  erin86 (14)

every living thing will pee. so do cockatiels unless it is dead. it need to release toxic from its body and one way to do it will be urinate which is called pee in simple words

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