

Question by  Johanna (19)

Do baby raccoons carry diseases dangerous to humans?


Answer by  pyritejenny (347)

Yes. Baby raccoons, and all raccoons can carry rabies, which is a deadly viral disease, and transmit it to humans. Raccoons can also transmit roundworm, which can also be serious.


Answer by  AnnArk (141)

Any wild animal, not just baby raccoons, can be harmful to human health, especially if the human and animal are in close contact.


Answer by  sean (141)

No. They can carry rabies which is dangerous, but no diseases that would kill or really hurt a human to bad. As they get older, they can pick up diseases that may be dangerous, but not as a baby.


Answer by  Anonymous

i think they do just like foxes and bats


Answer by  charlene (0)

what is the worst thing a raccoon will do to a human?

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