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Question by  Kate48 (55)

Can you still get over-the-knee stockings?

Do you need a garter belt for them?


Answer by  sonicfoundation (2597)

You can still get over the knees stockings. There are different types of these. You can get the kind that does require a garter belt. Generally, these go up to thigh level. The ones just above the knee do not need garters.


Answer by  lexib228 (123)

Over-the-knee stockins are still available for sale and can be purchased in most retail stores or online. You do not need a garter belt to hold them up, however, depending on the material or clothing selection a garter belt may be needed.


Answer by  Mantha (64)

Yes you can still get them. And they offer them in a variety of colors. You can get them self supporting and you can get the kind you attach to a garter belt. Both kinds are available at Nordstroms and Victoria Secret.


Answer by  memenano (35)

You can, and you will need a garter belt depending on the style or type you get. You can find them in languie shops. I believe you might be able to get them at "Victoria Secret". Where I live they are not that popular that I know of, but then again I could be wrong. I have never worn them.

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