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 advice  roof


Question by  Sanjana (10)

Can you replace a few roof tiles, or do you have to get a whole new roof?

I have some damage from a tree.


Answer by  rhelt (461)

Yes, in most cases you can replace just the damaged area. The only concern is that it is often hard to match the original color due to weathering.


Answer by  chalyse (147)

You will find that many contractors are very happy to do a small job for a fraction of the cost of replacing your roof. I had a large tree limb crash through my roof a few year ago during a wind storm. they repaired the shingles, the damaged wood below, and the ceiling, for $600.


Answer by  325t25 (189)

Well it depends on how bad the damage is. If it's just a little bit, then you can replace the few tiles.


Answer by  DavidS (1517)

Yes. You have to fold back the upper ones and then slide the new ones under them. Sometimes you will need a little roof sealer under the old ones.


Answer by  Sara89 (367)

Yes, this is one of the biggest benefits of having a tiled roof! You can even do it yourself, if you research the process a little bit and have a source to get the replacement tiles. They might have even given you some extras at installation time.


Answer by  waskasoo (471)

If only a few roof tiles are broken, they can be replaced individually. You will want to ensure that there is no damage to the deck under the tiles.


Answer by  vathana (127)

The roof of your house or office can be replaced or should be changed completely depending upon the damaged roof.

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