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car repairs


Question by  sparksarul (19)

Can you replace a car antenna?

My antenna is broken off and I want to know if I can just go buy a new one.


Answer by  DiluBeenker (48)

It depends on the kind of car you have, but if it isn't a VERY rare one, you should be able to buy a new antenna at any car shop.


Answer by  Cali (518)

To replace a car antenna, you need to make sure you buy a new one from the manufacturer and have the correct model number. all you have to do is unscrew the old antenna, and then screw in the new antenna. If the antenna is automatic and raises and lowers, you need a whole new mechanism.


Answer by  MechanicalME (82)

Car antennas can be replaced with an OEM antenna from your dealer or a generic antenna. These antennas can be found at your dealer or any automotive parts store. Antenna removal varies depending on the location, but in general you just remove the retaining nut on top of the antenna.


Answer by  JOHNEBEG (486)

You can go to an auto parts store to get a new antenna mast. Removing your old antenna mast so that you can take it with you is an option. The antenna mast unscrews from the base using pliers or a fitted wrench to avoid scratching.


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

You can replace your broken antenna. There are places online or that you might find an original style ones or there are universal ones sold at many autoparts stores.

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