health conditions


Question by  wildcat (9)

Can you have an external yeast infection?


Answer by  Mrscmrn (1449)

Yeast infections also known as candidas are not just found vaginally. Yeast infections can be found in the mouth otherwise known as thrush. It can be found in the esophagus. It can cause infections of the skin. It also can cause blood infections.


Answer by  worker3078 (64)

Yes you can! It usually appears on the outer lips of the vagina or on the tip pf the penis. The infection is mostly cause by using scented bath products or wearing clothing that is too tight!


Answer by  rjs108 (310)

An external yeast infection happens on the outside of body usually in the vagina and sometimes on the penis. Yeast exists on the body and can cause infections if it multiples and over grows. Yeast infections can be caused by several factors including the use of antibiotics which wipes out helpful bacteria.


Answer by  worker7654 (1033)

Yes, external yeast infections can occur and cause itching in the external genital areas. The smell of the yeast infection is often still there and treatments can be over the counter creams.


Answer by  worker2746 (2434)

A person can have an external yeast infection. Most types of yeast infections are internally and most often in the mouth or in the vaginal areas. Yeast infections may occur anywhere on the body that remains moist, so the armpits and crotch areas can be affected too, check with your physician.

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