what is


Question by  JohnSmith (52)

Can you give me an overview of some aspects of Kant's ethics?


Answer by  jude11 (499)

Kant's ethics, or rather his categorical imperative, states that one should act with a good will. One should also treat other rational beings with respect, the same way they would want to be treated. They should also do their actions in such a way that if everyone did it, it wouldn't undermine said action.


Answer by  Shoshanah (232)

is basic idea was that morals are based on a rational standard. Before you do anything, you have to take into consideration a rational approach and standards of your surroundings.


Answer by  baba69 (4)

Kant was doing a case of the Principle of anticipation of perception, as the basic of pure reason, pointing to a similar argument about the power of the trial.


Answer by  EBW619 (34)

Kant's ethics are based on the standards of rationality. Kant's ethic revolves around the moral requirements of human beings.

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