health conditions


Question by  Obi1 (9)

Can you get rid of asthma?


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

Asthma can be controlled but there is no cure. The best way to cut down on your attacks is to stay away from whatever may set them off such as animals, cigarette smoke, etc. Take your prescribed medications and keep your immune system in top form. All of these types can't help but help.


Answer by  Travis404607 (3916)

Asthma cannot be cured, but it can be managed. There are medications, such as Spiriva, which make asthma attacks less frequent, and prevent bronchial constriction much of the time. People can also prevent attacks by avoiding environments and activities which trigger frequent attacks of their asthma. There are also pulmonary exercises that help manage this condition.


Answer by  writergalfriday (325)

It is not possible to get rid of asthma but there are ways to prevent the condition from occurring. Some of the ways include changes in diet, removing harmful allergens from the home, such as smoke or pet dander, and by developing a healthy exercise regimen, such as swimming or walking.


Answer by  JumboCow (217)

There is no known cure for asthma, however there are many methods which control the symptoms that should make it unnoticeable in day-to-day life, such as using an inhaler. Sometimes if a child has asthma they can simply "grow out" of it as their development progresses.

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