

Question by  caluwi (199)

Can Lyme disease cause swollen eyes?


Answer by  netty228 (73)

Yes! One of the most common symptoms is the bulls eye or doughnut shaped rash. There are other skin manifestations including swollen eye lids. There are many things to watch for if you think you have lyme disease.


Answer by  R5girls (20)

Lyme Disease is caused by a tick bite. Early symptoms of Lyme disease are fever, headache, fatigue, depression, and a circular skin rash. If the Lyme disease is left untreated it may lead to more serious complications including central nervous system problems. These symptoms include: loss of muscle tone, severe headaches, neck stiffness, and sensitivity to light.


Answer by  lola78 (42)

Lyme Disease can cause swollen eyes as well as severe fatigue, flu-like symptoms and tenderness at the sight. If the infection remains untreated, joint pain and inflammation could occur.


Answer by  naynay84 (10)

Lyme disease can cause inflammation in the eyes however this symptom is not very common and it usually is present with other symptoms such as stiff neck, fatigue, chills and fever.

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