


Question by  Joanne74 (6)

Can I grow a lemon plant from lemon seeds?


Answer by  janeb (71)

Yes, you can! Lemon trees will remain small enough for long enough that you can grow them indoors whether you live in a cold or hot climate. You can germinate the seeds using a paper towel. Once you see small roots forming, you can transfer this to a paper cup with soil, and then later to a larger pot.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

If you have picked the lemon fresh from the tree and gotten the seeds yes you can plant them and they will grow if you bought it at a store then no they treat those and the seeds do no grow due to the stuff they use to inject the fruit with.


Answer by  thewindrose (642)

It is very unlikely. Modern lemons are treated with a number of chemicals and their seeds are frequently infertile. You are best to buy it as a seedling.

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