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 eyes  pain


Question by  Kurt (4579)

Can headaches impair your vision?

I have a headache and my eyesight is blurry.


Answer by  jason90 (6)

Normally headaches don't impair or blur vision, but in some rare cases it might cause blurry vision. If your headache is just a normal stress based headache or because of over working in computers, you should give wash your eyes properly with water and most importantly give your eyes rest(sleep).


Answer by  sailoryue (853)

yes. migraine headaches are severe and can often cause light and sound sensitivity making it difficult to see. best thing to do for it is to relax in a dark room with a warm washcloth over your eyes. asprin and a sinus pain reliever help as well.


Answer by  Kira91 (72)

Yes, in particular some forms of migraine have this effect. However, with a headache you may be squinting your eyes and not focusing properly, which could also cause it.


Answer by  judithr105 (269)

Headaches can impair vision. Migraines especially are known to cause blurry vision, and in fact, a certain type of migraine affects the visual part of the brain.

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