

Question by  Tim1031 (11)

Can a company collect on a debt that's 15 years old?

Haven't they written it off by now? It's off my credit record.


Answer by  jon6 (488)

No. Debts expire after seven years. The company has most likely sold the debt to a debt collector. These collectors will try to collect a debt as long as they can.


Answer by  Trueakitalover (1728)

No, they can't it probably was bought off of and they are trying to collect on it. Tell them you want the contract that they signed to collect this debt and if it was sold. Don't admit that you owe it just say you would like the contract that they signed to get the contract. This usually stops them.


Answer by  GilFinn (2065)

Independent debt collectors are notorious for finding old debt. Legally they can attempt to collect on an old debt, but they are still required to obey the laws to protect the consumer. If they are harassing you, call your district attorneys office for assistance.


Answer by  olive8 (911)

Yes, they can. There is usually a seven year statute of limitations on the accounts meaning that they can no longer take legal remedies against you, such as taking you to court. But if unpaid, they can keep trying to get it.

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