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Question by  tansen (12)

Are there special TVs you can use outdoors?

I would like to put one on my deck but I don't want to take it in and out everyday.


Answer by  terribleeric (7)

There are several models of Outdoor TVs available, albeit pricey ones! A quick online search will show many in the $1800-$5000 range. The SunBrite brand offers models that are housed in aluminum,considered to be all-weather, and can withstand both extreme temperatures and high humidity. Sizes range from a small 23" to 46" widescreen.


Answer by  ForeverZ (5)

Yes, there are televisions that work in the outdoors. The best would be LCD TV's that are made for that purpose. Only use a TV that is made for outdoors.


Answer by  bouks999 (496)

Yes there is. There are portable tvs that use batteries. You can look at your local electronic you will be sure to find one.


Answer by  mahee (720)

The outdoor TVs is a spacial tv that can we use in the out side of our house.It is specially designed for outdoor use.It does not require a lot of spacial care.It has all the requirements that we need.When all of we of our family members need to go outside then it gives us entertainment.


Answer by  tymek4877 (40)

Yes there are tv's that can be left outside and get wet too. They are made by Sunbrite.

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