

Question by  DW66 (44)

Are there flea markets in New Jersey?

Or is this a Southern thing?


Answer by  Heather726 (257)

In New Jersey, I can think of a few. Columbus on Rt. 206 south of Trenton is popular. I believe there's one in Pennsauken, and another one in Camden County.


Answer by  jaime24 (744)

Yes there are flea markets in New Jersey. Flea markets last longer through out the year in the south, but the northern states still have then.Colder states usually only do them in the summer months. Some northern states have indoor flea markets all year around. Yard sales of course are a summer thing for the north also.


Answer by  Aubs (1089)

There are flea markerts EVERYWHERE! They are very popular and can be found all over the country, north, south, east AND west!

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