

Question by  ramji (20)

Are there any famous descendants of Mary Todd Lincoln?


Answer by  AmirLuskyTinyBoy (229)

There are no particularly famous descendants of Mary Todd Lincoln. The genealogy has been well recorded and can be found on many web sites through search engines. Nonetheless, anyone who descended from the Lincolns has a good family story to tell. There may have been some who achieved minor notoriety, but no one truly famous.


Answer by  katschme (34)

The only child of Mary Todd Lincoln to survive into adulthood is Robert. He had three children. His son died at 17 Roberts daughter, Mary Todd "Mammie" was the mother of Lincoln Isham. He did not have children. Robert's other daughter Jessie had two chidren Peggy and Robert. Neither had children. Robert, the last living decendent, died in 1985.


Answer by  Dawne (69)

Actually, my husband always insisted that he was a descendant of Mary Todd Lincoln on his mother's side, and told everyone how his grandmother was a member of the DAR. This seemed confirmed by a line in his grandmother's obituary. However, when I attempted to have my daughters join the DAR, no record of this lineage was found.

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