

Question by  michelle99 (73)

Why is Windows XP unresponsive at startup?


Answer by  Erick13 (24)

This is due to Windows XP loading startup programs. The more programs you have running at startup the longer it will take. Some programs like Anti-virus and anti-malware like to do startup scans which can make your computer sluggish at startup.


Answer by  fedoen (28)

Could be missconfigured drivers, virus, missing files. If you installed a new software recently try entering in safe mode and uninstall it or use recovery to recover your system files at a given moment.


Answer by  Adrian27 (338)

Because it usually needs to load all your default software into memory. Depending on how many programs you chose to run at start and your computers specs, it can take up to 3-4 minutes to start being responsive. To have a faster loading system you have to upgrade or uninstall some of your software.


Answer by  trinkle (60)

Windows XP can be unresponsive at startup for a number of reasons. One of the most common is that something in the startup folder is corrupted or not working properly. Usually this turns out to be a program that was either recently installed or reconfigured, or one that uses a resource that is unavailable or not working.


Answer by  leetiff (25)

Windows XP might be slow or sluggish when you boot it up if you have unnecessary or hidden processes starting up in background. You can customize which processes start in Windows XP by running MSConfig on your computer.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

It is unresponsive at start up because the system has been outdated. Vista is actually a lot better. That could also be due to a slow memory.


Answer by  gigo (1706)

In most of the cases this is because of the autostart entries that are executed immediately after the start of the operating system. To check your autostarts you can use freeware, that list them all, for example "starter".


Answer by  Eddy69 (73)

Depends you have laptop or Desktop. Because if it is laptop, probably something with motherboard. And you will not fix anything, so just buy new computer and dont worry about this one anymore.


Answer by  pradonog (117)

Windows can be unresponsive at startup because it needs time to load your default software into your memory,depending on how much your software that need to be loaded at startup it can take 5 to 10 minutes. Or it can be caused by a corrupt or a program that not working properly in your startup list.

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