


Question by  kim (23)

Why do dogs do that weird butt scooting thing?


Answer by  candy (76)

The "scooting" may be caused by the anal sacs being full. The sacs may be emptied with bm's but they are often located in a place where they can't be emptied easily (due to muscle development). If not emptied, the sacs continue to fill up. Our groomer empties our dogs every month; some need it more/less often.


Answer by  ConSue (69)

The anal sacs which are the animal's scent glands can become overfilled with fluid which can be emptied (expressed) by a qualified professional. Left over traces of their recent bowel movements, itchy skin and scalp, or in rare cases a few types of worms may also cause the same condition.


Answer by  Jmontlear (15)

When dogs get fecal matter and or urine stuck to the fur or hair around their bottoms they tend to "scoot" if you will, to remove the mess. Generally, depending on the dog, they will do this in grass or on carpet to do the best that they can to keep themselves clean.


Answer by  traumatised (3285)

Could be several things, including: Anal gland needs to be emptied of liquid/fecal buildup by you/the vet (who can show you how). Constipation. You may need to change the food. And make sure the dog always has plenty of water. Worms. If the dog is also bloated, lethargic, coughing or has diarrhea, get it tested.

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