- Short Answers


Question by  mld4165 (28)

When does morning sickness end?


Answer by  bonnie56 (359)

For most people, morning sickness ends after the 1st trimester. However, for some people it can last longer or for the entire pregnancy. If you find that it is too much to handle or that you are getting sick more than 5 or 6 times a day, see your doctor.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

In some Women morning sickness won't end until the baby is born. It varies from Woman to Woman. The doctors claim that most people stop having morning sickness around 12-14 weeks into your pregnancy. Other Women won't have it as frequently after that point but they still will have an occasional flare up.


Answer by  Ali41 (1593)

Every person is different. Generally, morning sickness goes away by 16 weeks at the latest and usually a few weeks earlier than that. However, some women will much longer.


Answer by  GEETZ (388)

Morning sickness usually ends betweeen fourth or fifth month. In few cases it goes till the nineth month. If you are lucky it may end in third month. Best is that you always keep taking in fluid.

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