reproductive health


Question by  ITanalyst (57)

What is the best time of the cycle to conceive?

I really want to get pregnant.


Answer by  kimmc (91)

The best time is during ovulation which usually occurs 14 days after the period (it varies between women but is usually between 10 to 20 days). You should have sex frequently around this time, preferably before since sperm can live in the body 2-3 days which is much longer than the 12 hour time frame of viability of the ova.


Answer by  idzuna16 (118)

Most experts say to start trying to conceive about three days after the last day of your menstrual cycle if you have a normal twenty-eight day cycle. If you go onto web you can search for fertility calculator so you can pin-point when you are most fertile.


Answer by  patti (29325)

The best time to conceive is when you are ovulating. The cycle varies from one person to another, so it is important to establish when you are in fact ovulating. One way of doing this is by taking your temperature everyday and plotting it on a chart. Your physician can give you details.


Answer by  HEAJG (500)

Well if you really want to get pregnant it's best if you do it in week 2 of your 4 week cycle.


Answer by  Ali41 (1593)

In your cycle the best time is about a day before to two days after you ovulate. You can use a test from a drug store to determine ovulation.

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