

Question by  Anonymous

What is the best style of yoga for a beginner?


Answer by  Pcv (9)

When I first started Yoga, I just went to a general class that was listed as an introduction class. I think it is important to get a base and understand proper positions before getting involves in specialty yoga like steam yoga or pilates.


Answer by  atman (308)

Yoga is a means to unite ourselves with that which we have never been divided from: our true selves. Yoga is a systematic practice that works with the body, breath, mind and soul to help us discover our deepest nature. My advice is to seek out the best teachers of authentic yoga paths as you can and start there.


Answer by  Jaigurudev (29)

A Scientifically proven technique known as Transcendental Meditation,It is most ancient which is easy to learn and practice,it is not only my own experience,millions of people around the world knows for it's scientific validation for the benefits what it claims.

Reply by elsewhen (627):
i may be mistaken, but i don't think that transcendental meditation is a type of yoga - it is more of a quiet meditating technique. yoga involves physical body positions. they are both very relaxing and calming.  add a comment

Answer by  somerset (801)

Many years ago, before yoga was as popular as it is today, I was introduced to Hatha yoga. Even though I am not an expert on yoga, Hatha yoga seems like a easy yoga for the beginner.

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