

Question by  Julianne (31)

What does mange look like?


Answer by  shitalaluriamazoncom (81)

Mange is a skin disease that is caused by a mite that may burrow beneath the skin of mammals. It generally looks like a red bumpy section on the body with hair loss in that particular part. Also in bad cases red yellow patches can be seen on the skin and the lymph nodes can also be swollen around those areas.


Answer by  Marie12 (11)

Mange is caused by mites and parasites embedding and burrowing into an animals skin. The results can range from spots of discoloration and irritation to oozing wounds. All of which involve loss of hair.


Answer by  SashaDarkCloud (5764)

On a dog, it isn't hard to miss. It is almost like the chicken pox in looks, but the dog will have no hair where ever it gets infected. If you think your dog has the mange, take it to a vet to get the medicine to cure it.

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