

Question by  alexm001 (19)

What could be causing a rash on my dogs chin?


Answer by  Paul17 (26)

The rash on the dogs chin could be caused from the chin rubbing on plastic food or watering bowls so the bowls need to be changed to metal. Dogs can also get a form of acne on there chin which need to be take to the vet.


Answer by  Jolie (1227)

If the dog has fleas then it may be scratching itself raw at that spot. Also it could be diet because if you have changed the dogs food recently then this could be a cause. There is also a possibility that it may have gotten in to something that would cause a rash.


Answer by  dcrusher59 (590)

Your dog either ate something or got into some type of plant material that he is allergic to and is causing a local reaction.

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