

Question by  Josh40 (17)

What causes heart attacks in dogs and hwo do you treat them?


Answer by  billybob (10)

I would think that heart attack is caused by three main causes. The first is bad diet. Just like with humans, if the diet is bad, arteries might get clogged. Second, heart attacks may be caused by lack of exercise (just as in humans). Finally, heart attacks may be caused by genetic defects that the dog is born with.


Answer by  Cali (518)

Heart attacks in dogs come from primarily old age. When dogs have heart attacks, they are fatal almost every time. The only treatment for them is to take them to the vet, but even then there is not a whole lot a vet can do either.


Answer by  myhelle (72)

A common cause of a heart attack in dogs is heartworm. It mostly depends on the overall health of the dog. It may be severely overweight which can cause an enlargement of the heart. The best thing to do is to take them to the vet where they can test.


Answer by  withluck (1745)

Just like in humans, dogs that are overweight are at higher risk for heart attacks. However, some heart problems are just heredity.

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