


Question by  Swipe79 (28)

What causes brown sports on rubber tree plants?


Answer by  manju (82)

the rubber tree plants will causes brown sports because of less water for plants,proteins and vitamins and due to less sunlight photosynthesis cannot be prepared more so brown sports will formed on plants.


Answer by  dawn42 (11)

This usually means the plant is dying from lack of proper watering or it has had a freeze. Trim all the brown spotted leaves off and they should grow back normally


Answer by  CHIRAGSHAH (116)

The problem may be due to excess of water to the plant. It only needs to be kept moist. Finally correct balance of light & water is essential.


Answer by  worker8388 (994)

Brown spots on rubber plants will be of fungus. We can apply a fungicide to rectify browns spots,Back off on water before doing. Brown spots on older leaves wont get rid,but new growth will be spot free.

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