


Question by  helper2000 (11)

What can you tell me about spider plants care?


Answer by  lisasimpson (148)

Spider plants are so easy to take care of, and when they are extra-happy they let you know by making a gazillion babies! You should have them in a pot that allows for good drainage because you don't want to overwater. Just keep the soil moist, not sopping.


Answer by  Valentine62 (2131)

Spider plants are some of the hardiest plants to grow. To care for them, be sure to plant them in rich soil and water thoroughly once a week. When the original plant becomes over loaded with shoots, cut them off and place them in other pots to start new ones.


Answer by  flamb (34)

Spider plants prefer bright light but not direct sun. A monthly dose of fertilizer mixed with water will promote the growth of baby spiders.

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