


Question by  Rani60 (351)

What are the eating habits of bettas?

I just got some bettas.


Answer by  bigwig (654)

You should feed your bettas once to twice a day, only as much as they can eat in 3 minutes.


Answer by  benstac (1928)

There are two forms of betta fish food, pellets and flakes. I've had two bettas and I've had one that wouldn't eat flakes and one that wouldn't eat pellets.


Answer by  Ruby40 (372)

Use betta food from the fish store. You can also supplement this with dried bloodworms or brine shrimp. Be sure to keep the water clean with regular water changes.


Answer by  Hoardy (454)

Bettas will eat and eat, therefore it is important that you do not overfeed. Two pellets of betta food, twice per day should be plenty for your fish.


Answer by  Valentine62 (2131)

Bettas are fed three to four times a day, but do not overfeed. If your Bettas have trouble swallowing their fish food, break it into smaller chunks. Since you mentioned you have more than one Betta, I hope you keep them separate, for they are very territorial.


Answer by  Tank (539)

Bettas will eat almost anything but you will be just fine with flake food. In order for the beautiful color and size to reach maturity I would add frozen or live foods at least three times per week. The live foods can be blood worms or even small feeder guppies.


Answer by  Znufoc01 (227)

If you find special Betta food at a fish store, that's great, but your everyday fish flakes are perfectly fine. Feed in the morning for 5 minutes, as much as it can eat, but don't overfeed. Also, don't put two males together or they'll eat (fight and kill) each other.

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