

Question by  antgly (27)

What are bald face hornets?


Answer by  patti (29325)

A bald-faced hornet is also called the white-faced hornet and is actually a wasp. It builds a huge paper nest up to three feet high shaped like a football. Bald-faced hornet are found throughout North America.


Answer by  Bugmann (130)

A bald faced hornet is a white faced yellowjacket found on the west coast and southern parts of the US, and in Canada. Bald faced hornets build paper-like nests attatched to trees and buildings. They feed on flies and other insects and are generally not agressive unless the nest is disturbed.


Answer by  Waffler (71)

Bald-faced hornets, despite their name, are a type of wasp of the Dolichovespula genus. Living throughout North America, the bald-faced hornet is most commonly found in the southeastern region of the United States. They build paper nests, out of chewed up wood and saliva, in which they raise their young.


Answer by  Lipgloss (52)

The Bald Faced Hornet is from North America and is actually a type of wasp, from the yellow jacket family, that is related to the Asian giant hornet. They are more associated with the hornet name because of the types of nest they live in.


Answer by  gigantes117 (92)

The bald face hornet is a flying insect commonly found in North America. Bald face hornets are in fact belong to the family of wasps called yellow jackets.

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