health treatments


Question by  Janarthanan (42)

Is there a way to prevent being gassy before the meal?

I seem to be very gassy.


Answer by  catysuzgirl2000 (578)

Flatulence or abdominal gas can be caused by many factors including your diet, allergies, health conditions and drug use. For instance, most foods that contain carbohydrates can cause gas.


Answer by  cafish (2035)

There are medications that you can take, such as Beano, that will help. Swallowing too much air can cause this so don't chew gum. Also, check your diet.


Answer by  jessydav (550)

out now are products that can prevent gas, such as gas X, this taken before a meal will prevent the taker from having gas during and after the meal. Also changing your diet can prevent you from getting gas. a diet that is used for gas prevention usually contains differnt types of fibers.


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

There are many over the counter medications you can take before gas builds up. Beano is a popular one. Maybe you have lactose intolerance or something.

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