

Question by  wpzpenguin (137)

Is there a link between headaches and a sensitivity to temperature?


Answer by  soccer593 (476)

Some people are sensitive to temperature change which can cause migraines, especially when humidity is mixed with high or low temperatures. Information about temperature is sent to the brain via the trigeminal nerve, which can lead to a headache.


Answer by  YellowCup (1650)

Yes. Headaches can be brought on by temperature sensitivity, especially if it is a fast change in temperature suddenly. It is also common in the summer, if you are outside in the hot and go into a very cold air conditioned building.


Answer by  Jojoblue (468)

Yes, I believe so. When I take a nap on a hot summer day, I usually wake up with a very annoying headache. Also, when the temperature changes abruptly from hot to cold, it gives me a very bad headache. I am not sure if that is the case to everyone.


Answer by  NurseB (513)

Yes. Headaches are not uncommon when there is a drop or increase in temperature. The reason for this is that the blood vessels in the head will dilate/constrict to adjust to the temperature change. Try wearing a hat so that the change is not so extremem.

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