

Question by  Piyush (17)

How do I prune a Korean Lilac?


Answer by  LadyLilac (17)

Blooms should be pruned immediately after they flower to encourage more healthy blooms. Make sure the flowers have faded before pruning.


Answer by  BrendaG (6111)

After lilac reaches 4-5 years old they require pruning annually. This will ensure flowers growing all over the tree. Immediately after they flower, prune the lilac. Remove oldest branches to the ground and the suckers. Doing this in late winter or early spring is recommended.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

As far as I know you would prune this the same way you would any other lilac bush. You can also talk to your local greenhouse and they will be able to help you out or you can do a net search and it will pull even more information for you.


Answer by  AlleyCat (96)

A good rule of thumb for pruning Korean Lilacs is to take 1/4 to 1/3 of the growth off after it is finished blooming.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

Only take off what is causing the bush to be Out of shape, then the rest takes care of it self.


Answer by  georgesmith (138)

You need to prune after the flowering is done, but before the new buds start to grow. This way you will still be able to enjoy the beautiful spring blooms.


Answer by  Bobinski (1652)

Pruning once a year is important because it helps to keep your plants vigorous and blooming profusely. You should prune right after the plant has bloomed. Prune out 1/3 of the oldest, woodiest stems as close to the ground as possible. By pruning so close to the ground you prevent the development of thick heavy stems.


Answer by  mahee (720)

We should prune the bloomed flowes immediately to encourage blooming more flowers but we have to make sure that the flowers are faded before pruning.

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