

Question by  Shellbell (8)

Why isn't the Apocrypha in the Bible?


Answer by  Ken56 (1160)

These are controversial books of the Bible, which some versions of the Bible include and accept, while others reject them as legitimate books that belong in the Bible. Examples are Esdra, (1 and 2), Tobit, Judith and more. So the apocrypha are in some versions of some Bibles.


Answer by  Kazekami (197)

The Apocrypha is in the Catholic Bible. It is the only difference between the Catholic and other christian bibles. The books were deemed by protestants to not be as important as the other books. Even though they are inspired. You can see in Medieval and Baroque art depictions from it.


Answer by  YC72 (35)

The very meaning of the word apocrypha is that it is not included in the Bible. If it were included, it would not be apocryphal.


Answer by  Cransus (130)

The Bible is a set of agreed upon texts, which are themselves amalgamations of generations of similar stories. They were selected in the early years of the Christian church by a panel of bishops as most likely to be true (due to date of writing or similarity). Apocrypha is simply all the stories that fell outside of that tradition.

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