


Question by  jashan (8)

Why is my scalp itching?


Answer by  Stylist112 (136)

It's either dry or you are allergic to the products you are using at home or in the salon (coloring). If you see flakes, use selsum blue for best results. Otherwise, just make sure you are using a moisturizing shampoo/conditioner.


Answer by  Tracipoo (1329)

could be dandruff. dry scalp. could be lice. try using head and shoulders and see if that does'nt relieve it.


Answer by  NickB (118)

Itching is a form of low-level pain. For some reason there is something stimulating those nerves. It could be in your hair or scalp, or it could be something lacking, such as oils. It could also be an immune reaction, such as hives. If there is bleeding or other damage see a medical practitioner.


Answer by  meo0314 (76)

You could have dandruff, or lice. If it is lice then you want to check your hair as soon as possible!


Answer by  illdomybesttohelpyou (10)

becouse you might have some incrustation on it so try to wash it with head and shoulders two times a week and try not to be near dirty places and cover your hair after you wash it for 10 minutes then you will see your hair goes better than before

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