

Question by  anthonyross43 (17)

Why is my dog having trouble walking?

She's a cocker spaniel.


Answer by  gcmeyer2 (787)

There are many possible causes for this. The most logical explanation is some sort of a leg injury. Did your dog have a lot of hard exercise recently where it could have pulled a muscle or something? It could possibly also be just that the dog is getting old. Just like humans, they slow down when they age.


Answer by  trish15 (6)

Depending on the age of the dog, she might have arthritis. Could be a many of things, but check with your vet to see if your dog should be put on medication.


Answer by  oscar56 (79)

Most of the times they can hit themselves without you knowing. Make sure your dog is not in pain because she may be fractured. Best thing is take her to the Vet.

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