health conditions


Question by  bpmock (140)

Why are hand warts so common?

Is there a bacteria that causes them?


Answer by  KKO (11)

Warts by nature are a virus. Viruses can live outside of the body on many different surfaces. The hand wart virus is transmitted by contact. The contact can be person to person, or object to person. A person with hand warts can pass the virus to an object. Then anyone touching that object may potentially become infected with the virus.


Answer by  Travis404607 (3916)

Warts are caused by several viruses, not bacteria. They are common on the hands because hands have more contact with surfaces than most other areas of the body. If someone with warts touches a surface, the virus can become latched onto that surface and wait for the next host, which is usually a hand.

posted by Anonymous
But how long do they live on a surface, let's say a desk or a doorknob?  add a comment

Answer by  djcwoman37 (373)

Human papilloma virus (HPV), is what causes warts. It causes the skin to grow faster than normal. There is not a cure for over the 60 different types of HPV. The warts can be itchy and may bleed if they become irritated.


Answer by  Chiyamaka (846)

It is usually bacteria that causes them, you can also get them by exposing a blister to bacteria (such as working with your unwashed hands, picking plants, sewing, etc.), these are the most common causes.

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