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Question by  Wacho (68)

Who is Melvin Calvin?


Answer by  mtown934 (733)

Melvin Calvin is the American chemist who was well known for discovering the Calvin cycle, which is the defining idea of plants throughout the world. He was a very influential scientist in his time and his ideas remain today.


Answer by  luvlexis83 (798)

A chemist who, along with fellow chemist Andrew Benson and James Bassham, developed the calvin cycle. He earned his bachelor of science at the college now known as MIT.


Answer by  Jessie124 (1885)

Melvin Calvin was a famous American chemist, who created the Calvin Cycle. The Calvin Cycle documents the biochemical reactions that take place in different organisms. He was very important in the world of chemisty during the past century, and continues to influence chemists to this day. He spent most of his career working for the University of California.

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