where to find


Question by  dsciborski (29)

Where can I talk to someone about my love issues?

I can't afford a shrink.


Answer by  helper2093 (18)

There are many resources. Trusted friends, for example. You can also go to your church and speak to a pastor, preacher, or deacon. If you want to use online options, go to forums or chat rooms and talk to people.


Answer by  jemmi12 (72)

If you're in the UK, seek out a branch of Samaritans. In the US, try Befrienders International. Alternatively, you could confide in a neutral friend.


Answer by  Rosebud (334)

Some psychologists work with patients on a sliding scale. In other words, you pay what you can afford. If you are a member of a church your pastor could also be available for counseling. If you are in physical or emotional danger there are many hot lines available for your use.

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