
 animals  diy


Question by  imamansoiknow (28)

What supplies are necessary for a handmade brooder?


Answer by  BlueEyes3b5 (121)

Rural Cardboard Homemade Brooder Supplies: 2 or 3 cardboard boxes of the same size (24 square by 18 deep), heat lamp, food, water, bracket for lamp, box cutter and some tape. This is considered a eco green Brooder which can be used as compost when it isn' needed any longer.

Reply by AnnaS (123):
i think with three boxes it is called a chicken condo if any1 likes the sound of it and wants to search for the instructions :-)  add a comment

Answer by  Annika5 (171)

My brooder is made with a 10 gallon aquarium tank with a top, a thermometer and heating pad. You can check garage sales or even your local pet store and see if they have slightly damaged tanks they want to get rid of. You should also get the top for.


Answer by  GrandmereC (145)

Yeah instead of buying a substrate for helping preventing splay let you can get some of those rubbermaid liners or something similar and cut it to fit. Nice thing is they are so easy to clean and disinfect. You could also do smaller ones to collect the droppings inbetween changes.

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