pet health


Question by  udaiark (7)

What should I do for a pregnant platy?


Answer by  Meagan87 (197)

The duration of a platy's pregnancy is approximately four weeks. You will need to isolate the fish within one week of her expected due date. This will ensure that the babies will not be eaten by any other fish.


Answer by  withluck (1745)

You can separate a pregnant platy from the other fish to keep the babies safe, as well as supply plants for the small fish to hide in.


Answer by  Noah5 (16)

Since adult platies eat babies, the best thing to do is to make sure you've got a extra tank so you can seperate the mom from the babies after birth.


Answer by  Sael (313)

You can do a couple different things. First option is to just let her be and let nature take its course. Another option is to get a breeder net and place her in there until she gives birth. Try to keep the water clean and her stress levels low.


Answer by  Kate75 (35)

I would try to make sure the temperature in the tank remains about the same. I would also offer it any type of food it may be craving.


Answer by  jcm (117)

The habitat should be properly prepared for a pregnant platy. Most important is the existance of foliage that provides secure areas for the fry to hide from other fish.


Answer by  yorker13 (12)

Your fisrt step should be to consult with your Vet. They will tell you advise to change the diet for the animal to one that supports the fetus and mom.

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