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Question by  Stevek863 (33)

What is typical behavior for a 4 year old?


Answer by  CarrieZee (189)

Fours are full of energy and silliness! Four year olds are quite active, speak in full sentences and say most sounds correctly. They can tell stories about their lives, retell stories (like in favorite books or movies), follow rules well, and are starting to be able to negotiate disagreements.


Answer by  darcyn77 (321)

Four year old children tend to be very moody. One minute, they can be as happy as can be and the next minute they are throwing a tantrum for seemingly no reason. Four year olds show a range of emotion within such a short time span that it's hard to believe they are genuine. But they are!


Answer by  BranandMike (148)

Although all children are differemt it is important to see your doctor with concerns. A 4 year old should be able to count to 15 and know the alphabet.


Answer by  Rose (6804)

At the age of four many children are starting to test their parents, trying out new things and exploring their limits.


Answer by  ekan46 (149)

The four child is able to speak in a sweet voice. The child seems to be more energetic and enthusiastic.

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