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Question by  Dawghouse (21)

What is the value of Gibson guitars?


Answer by  river (1226)

It's quite a range depending on age, condition, the number produced. I've seen them as low as $100 up to 10's of thousands.


Answer by  Jess35 (445)

There are many factors that play into determining the value of a Gibson guitar. For a vintage electric guitar you can pay up to 6,000$ for one. You can also find a Gibson guitar online on a website such as Ebay for a cheaper selling price.


Answer by  joeywreck (26)

The value of Gibson guitars has been estimated to be around $1000 to even $13,000. Gibson has been known to sell their guitars for even $20,000!


Answer by  rajahassaan (149)

gibson guitars are very famous now a days its value will be around 300$ maximum it has so many models so value can be change .


Answer by  katie23 (22)

If you want to find a Gibson guitar you're most likely looking at paying more then 100 bucks for them. You can find some for cheaper but those are probably used and most likely broken and needed a bit of fixing. Buying them fresh and new would probably cost more then 100.

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