health procedures


Question by  skippy (16)

What is the normal laboratory test range for cmp?


Answer by  Sergiu (344)

Comprehensive Metabolic Panel is a test set with multiple things tested like liver, kidney, electrolyte parameters, so there is no single range for it. It is a basic tool for assessing the overall condition of one's body.


Answer by  MedStudent01 (1131)

I'd love to answer this question but I cannot because I do not have enough space to answer this question. The best way to find this is to look up "complete metabolic panel normal values" on google to find them. Note that most lab reports also have normal lab test ranges included as well.


Answer by  salsafoodie (3146)

Normal test range is from 200 to 400 ppm, this is considered normal and no further testing is needed for cmp. If higher then you will need to find additional testing to find the cause.


Answer by  saturno (325)

For the most important compounds and for adults are: albumin 3.5 - 5.0 g/dL, bilirubin 0.2 - 1.3 mg/dL, glucose 60 - 200 mg/dL and protein total 6.0 - 8.2 g/dL


Answer by  jessicat1982 (162)

A cmp blood test contains 14 tests constitutes, you would have to look at each compound to get the range you need. If you only want the Blood Glucose result then that is 64 -128 mg/dL, for Calcium it is 8.5 - 10.9 mg/dL. All 14 constitutes have to be measured for a normal range.

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