what is


Question by  LovinAl (34)

What is the function of the appendix?

People have them removed and don't seem to have problems.


Answer by  Dot (54)

The appendix store and protect good bacteria that can assist in the digestion of food. After an ilness such as cholera or dysenteria the good bacteria in the appendix can reboot your digestive system


Answer by  vietnamgirls (1177)

The appendix is a vestigial organ, which means that it no longer has any use. It is thought that at one time it was used for digesting leaves.


Answer by  Drynose (66)

Latest research shows that those who have appendix removed have lower immunity level compared to the control group. Appendix contains large amount of lymphatic follicles and diffused lymphatic tissues, it involve in proliferation of lymphocytes.


Answer by  sylsia (510)

The function of the appendix, many doctors now think, is that it acts as a storing house for good bacteria.


Answer by  Anonymous

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