

Question by  sushil (48)

What is the formula to count characters in Excel?


Answer by  ahsanmahmoodawan (1169)

if you want to count numver then use LEN function if you want to count the number in worksheet then press CTRL+A and paste in word then file>properties>statistics it show


Answer by  Sekioh (19)

You can use the built in 'Length' function to count the characters in a cell. The usage is =LEN(A1) where A1 can be any cell reference. To count rows seperately you can create a column and use the automatic incrementing 'Down...' function to duplicate the formula cell to your count column for minimal work.


Answer by  Alyaron (233)

The formula you can use in Excel to count characters is "LEN". The correct syntax is: "LEN(cell)". You need to start with "=" to tell Excel it's a formula. For instance, if you want to count the number of characters in the cell A1, you may type in another cell: =LEN(A1) and press ENTER


Answer by  NerdyTech (137)

the correct formulation is LEN. =LEN(C1) outputs the number of characters inside the specified cell. (In this case cell C1)

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