
 pests  yard


Question by  Etc6021 (23)

What is the easiest way to get rid of dallas grass?


Answer by  RowdyDawg (106)

Well this is gonna sound odd but use sugar. Yep, plain ole sugar. It does NOT kill the weed but it improves the richness of the soil so that dallas grass and other weeds won't thrive in it. Spread once and water down 6 inches then treat again two weeks.


Answer by  AnnaS (123)

You could use MSMA on your lawn which will definitely get rid of your dallas grass and it is one the easiest ones to apply. The web powder application seems to work best on most lawns.

Reply by MusicalKate (109):
The prob with MSMA and many other chemical killers is that it damages other things in the lawn. It can also be very harmful for children and pets. A lot of caution has to be used: hands, eyes, etc.  add a comment

Answer by  BlueCollarBri (118)

I use corn gluten which is an organic method of getting rid of weeds. You can get it at most garden centers and instructions will be on the package. Just check and see how much you need to spread for your square yardage and it should resolve your problem soon.

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