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Question by  emilyr (12)

What is the easiest way to feed a fire-bellied toad?


Answer by  mb (5482)

Place the toad in an enclosure with its food of choice. Crickets are usually fine for most amphibians like toads or frogs.


Answer by  Riley (765)

Most fire-bellied toads like waxworms earthworms, blackworms and silkworms. They like most all insects. Some of the favorites are beetles, flies and ants. All the insects should be fed to the toad alive. Some fire-bellied toads like guppies and brine shrimp. These toads need water and space. Just drop the food in the tank and the toad will find it.


Answer by  rys (286)

Purchase a "cricket feeding dish" that releases on cricket at a time. You can add some vitamin powder to the dish, as well.

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