

Question by  jboston19 (30)

What is the best treatment for a bark scorpion sting?


Answer by  sdnco (264)

If it is a young child or an elderly person, go straight to the emergency room. For anyone else, call your local poison control, wash the area with soap and water and apply an ice pack. Don't forget to call poison control!


Answer by  slrdgw22 (178)

Wash the area thoroughly and apply a cold compress. Elevate the area, if possible, and call your local poison control number.


Answer by  LeheckaG (1826)

Soap & warm water wash the area. Apply ice (in towel/washcloth) to the area, (10)minutes-on, (10)minutes-off, repeat. Call your local poison control. Small children, aged, & those with worsening symptoms require anti-venom immediately.


Answer by  jaime24 (744)

If you get bit by a scorpion, you should take some benadryl, and some acetaminophen. Then you should go to the er, and they will give you anti venom treatment.


Answer by  manamana (203)

Wash sting with soap and water. Apply a cold compress for ten to fifteen minutes with breaks of ten minutes in between.


Answer by  lakshmi (196)

the best treatment for a black scorpion sting is to apply a paste of limestone over the affected area. this stops the poison from spreading so fast.then the patient should be taken to the hospital immediately. the doctor should stop the poison by an injection first, and then the treatment shall be continued.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well the best treatment is to apply some tea tree oil onto the sting. You also want to place some witch hazel as an effect.


Answer by  ilango (226)

the best treatment for a bark scorpion is suppose you are the victim then you firstly clean that particular area with medical soab or dettol and washed with water. You can also use the cold compress to relieve from pain for some limit. It is better to go to doctor and got medicine.Because the venom can be killed sombody.

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